Monday, January 3, 2011

William Shakespeare

In my own world, where everything I think is absolute truth, William Shakespeare is the god of literature. Don't get me wrong, I respect many other authors from throughout the ages with very high regards of admiration, but I have yet to find someone who could surpass the talents of Shakespeare. I haven't read all of his works, which might cause this blog post to stir various counterarguments against my opinion, but from what I have read, I will never be able to forget. My favorite piece of Shakespeare's is Hamlet. For me, it is amazing how intertwined all of Shakespeare's opinions and thoughts about society were quilted through the play. I find it quite superhuman to be able to translate all of those thoughts and ambiguities into one play. Even more amazing to me is Shakespeare's thorough use of iambic pentameter, which is something that convinces me that his brain can not be human. My own hypothesis is that Shakespeare's mind was able to process thoughts about ten times faster than anyone else. Since this can not be proven false today, it is what I will depend on for understanding how Shakespeare was able to accomplish all of his literary feats. To me, his understanding of humans, society, and life itself is not quite absolute. However, it is the clearest notion of these understandings that I have ever encountered. Reading Shakespeare's works make me analyze and really question the nature of humans, and I often find myself coming to what may be the beginning of a conclusion for these intricacies. For these listed reasons and many more, I have decided to title my blog as, "Shakespeare Knows Best." Through the course of English 3, I hope to find someone or something that can impress me as much as William Shakespeare has, because if I do, I might just name a blog after them.

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